Custom charts can be created when our core charts don’t have the intervention that you’re looking for.

You can create a custom chart by navigating to the “Custom” tab. This will list any existing custom charts you may have created and the “Add” button for creating new custom charts.

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The form is a bit complex because it allows for comparison between many “actions” one could take for an intervention (what we call a “risk”).

Here’s a blank “risk” form:

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Let’s break down how these fields translate to the chart page:

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Each “risk” has a name, variation and description. The name and variation can help group variations of similar “risks” (changes over time, different surgical methods, etc).

“Actions” and their “outcomes” are for breaking down the risk percentages for an intervention. You can opt to have only one “action” (the intervention) or a comparison of many (e.g. intervention and no intervention).

Once you’ve filled out the form and are ready to check out how it looks, click “Save”. These “risks” are only viewable by you at the moment so you can save drafts at any time. However, they must be somewhat valid to be saved. Any errors that prevent saving will show up at the top of the form after an unsuccessful save.

Once you’ve made a custom chart, you can view it like any other from your “Custom” tab:

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